First up is actually an app called Locket. This one is completely tried and true. While you don't make money quick, it doesn't take much to make it. Locket is an app that replaces your lock screen on your cell phone and with each unlock swipe you earn a penny. Plus they are other ways of earning money through their app, watching videos, downloading other apps and signing up for things. I earned $10.50 in about a month, but you could earn more than me by just using the earn more section of the app. They pay twice a month and I received my first payment on time.
Here's proof of the payment I received. Try it out and if you don't like it just uninstall it, no harm done.
Second up is Slice The Pie. This is by far the most fun one I have tried. You actually get to review songs and earn a profit in doing so. I do suggest that you review as many songs as possible in your first week because you earn a bigger profit, than you do later on. My first week I was earning roughly .20 cents per review, and now after being a member I earn about .09 to .10 cents per song. Your profit depends on how much you type, if it's the minimum you will earn the minimum. I tend to type a lot depending on the song. Music lovers, this is definitely the way to earn a little extra funds. That doesn't mean all the songs are great, there are some gems I've reviewed, but I've also reviewed some truly terrible songs. You are able to withdraw your funds after you hit $10. I haven't quite hit that yet, only because I haven't reviewed as much as I should. But I have read many reviews about this site and this company is definitely legitimate. Here's a screenshot of the page you review songs on.
The white box is where you type your review, again the more you type the more you earn. The scale 0 - 10 is where you give the song a rating. The 90 is the seconds in which you are required to listen to the song, after that you can pause the song, or continue listening to the rest of it. They give you a ranking, the higher rank you are the more you earn, as you can see I'm a silver rank and have about 40% to go before I become gold. Anyway, try it out, it really is a lot of fun.
Last but not least is Circum News. Now this site is relatively new, but with my experience and reading others experience it seems legit. Basically you read news links they have posted for you to read and you earn $2.00 for each one read. Plus for each referral you earn $9.00. I just signed up yesterday, and I've already earned over $30.00. From what I've read the Available New for you to read and earn updates every few days, so if you've earned all that you can don't be discouraged just keep checking back. I've read people making $100's within their first week. Give it a try, it's really not time consuming at all and whats the harm in earning a little extra money. I promise that with my first payment, I'll post about it just to prove for sure just how legitimate it is.
Here's what the Available News list looks like on Circum News, just click on the link read an article, close the article and confirm you've read it. Super simple.
So get out there and earn a little extra money, definitely helps around this time of year!